February is American Heart Month and We Olive is proud to support heart health and the American Heart Association by raising awareness of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Olive oil and heart health go hand and hand. Extra virgin olive oil, paired with a healthy diet, can help reduce your risk of heart disease. In part because of the special way it’s produced, extra virgin olive oil, unlike seed oils and non-extra virgin oils, contains natural antioxidants, including polyphenols — a type of antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. It’s also rich in monounsaturated fatty acids — a healthier dietary fat, compared to saturated and trans fats. Extensive studies over the last 50 years have concluded that all sorts of health benefits come from extra virgin olive oil.
Researchers have found that by consuming a Mediterranean diet rich in EVOO, you can:
• Significantly lower the risk of having a heart attack, suffering from a stroke, or dying of heart disease
• Better regulate insulin levels
• Strengthen your immune system
• Reduce the risk of certain cancers
• Improve digestive and brain health
“When companies taint the oil, consumers lose that wonderful cocktail of anti-inflammatories and antioxidants,” says journalist and industry expert, Tom Mueller.
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