Beat the Heat Gazpacho


This Discover Cooking with California Olive Oil Recipe Contest submission comes from Dominique Smith, a We Olive Paso Robles customer. Dominique says “Beat the heat with this tangy, refreshing gazpacho ! You probably have many of these ingredients in your garden or available at your farmers market. This appetizer is simple, healthy, and delicious. If you have 15 minutes, a lot of tomatoes, and a hot day then Gazpacho should be on your party menu!”

Serves 8


Step 1: Puree the tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, and garlic in a food processor or blender.
Step 2: Strain through a fine-meshed colander.
Step 3: Return the juice to the processor and blend in the oil, vinegar, and water.
Step 4: Add salt to taste and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Notes: Garnishes like cilantro, iberico ham, hearts of tomatoes and cucumbers all add a nice finishing touch.

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