Gorgonzola Arancini


This Discover Cooking with California Olive Oil Recipe Contest entry comes from Jodi Taffel, a We Olive Thousand Oaks customer. Jodi says, “You gotta love a culture that comes up with a yummy way to use leftover risotto! And deep frying them in We Olive Meyer Lemon Olive Oil gives them that perfect zing.”

Serves 4

2 cups leftover risotto (any kind works great)
1/2 cup gorgonzola cheese
1/2 cup ground pork rinds
1 large egg
4 cups We Olive Meyer Lemon Olive Oil

1. Scoop risotto into balls about the size of a ping pong ball. Take some gorgonzola cheese, about the size of a pea, and push it into the center of each ball. Roll them back into round shapes.

2. Crack the egg into a shallow bowl and beat it.

3. Place the ground pork rinds in another shallow bowl.

4. Heat the We Olive Meyer Lemon Olive Oil in a saucepan to 350 degrees.

5. Working in batches of about 5 or 6, roll the risotto balls in egg wash, then ground pork rinds and carefully drop them in the oil.

6. When the aranchini are golden brown, transfer then to a paper towel lined plate.

7. Serve hot.

Notes: These are actually great make-ahead appetizers. To warm them up, just place them on a foil lines sheet pan and stick hem in a 350 degree oven (or even a toaster oven)for 10-15 minutes.

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