Purchasing a good olive oil for taste an health benefits involves more research than which brand has the lowest price. Olive oil is categorized by how many times it has been through a pressing process. Extra virgin olive oil is the first batch when squeezed from the olives. Then the regular virgin oil is produced from the second pressing. A third squeeze yields regular olive oil, and the rest is used for health and beauty products such as soaps and lotions. The vitamins and nutrients are fullest in the extra virgin olive oil, and certified extra virgin olive oil is guaranteed highest quality. Within this category, there are even different sub-categories depending on when the olives were harvested. The earlier the olives are plucked, the more peppery the olive oil will taste, so there are many factors that go into choosing the oil that is best for you. We Olive is a major online retailer of many different kinds of olive oil. If you don’t live near their store locations, they offer a full line of products online so you can bring quality oil into your home and cooking.
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