
Make sure you’re using certified extra virgin olive oil

Not all olive oil is created equal. When visiting the grocery store, you know that there is an almost overwhelming selection of oils, all promising to be the best. Knowing what you’re looking for and what to avoid ahead of time can ensure you get the product you want. When it comes to olive oil, “virgin” means that the juice of the olives was extracted mechanically using machines, and not with chemicals. This can either be with a high-powered centrifuge or hydraulic press. Higher quality oil will be labeled “extra virgin” and usually is more expensive. Beware of any oil claiming to be “light” or “diet” olive oil – the calories will often be the same, but will have chemical additives to change the color or flavor. Olives picked at different times will have slightly different flavors, so read labels carefully to be sure what you want is what you are getting.

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